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"Hey Folks!"

Tim Bucheit is your voice for announcements, drawings, trade shows and on-premise promotions.

Style: Genuine and Believable

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Trade Show Reviews

Repeat Clients

Theresa Kelly, Mktg. Mgr. TOYODA

Hello Tim, now that the dust has settled after the IMTS Expo, I wanted to thank you for helping make or booth OUT-STANDING.

We were sitting in our after show meeting with staff and I have to chuckle a bit because when we got to the presenter section, our President exclaimed, and I quote, "Las Vegas Fabulous!"

Thank you so much!

- Multi-Year Trade Show Client

Jerry Hirsch, Mktg. Mgr. MULTIVAC

I have hired Tim Bucheit on multiple occasions to present at our most important trade shows.

Along with his natural presentation skills, Tim possesses an innate curiosity and intelligence that enables him to quickly learn and understand subject matter that is entirely new to him.

This allows Tim to work extremely effectively in relaying our core messaging and value propositions to the LIVE audience members.

Rather than functioning as an actor, Tim works collaboratively to ensure we make the best possible presentation every time.

Tim is an absolute professional and skilled product demonstrator.

- Multi-Year Trade Show Client

Janet Fenner, Mktg. Firm for Skydini

Tim is our official presenter!

Anne Marie, Producer, Rita Hayworth Gala

Tim Bucheit served as our LIVE auctioneer at the Alzheimer's Association, Chicago Rita Hayworth Gala. This event was held at The Chicago Hilton with over 900' guests in attendance.

Tim has wonderful stage presence, is articulate and able to work directly with the crowd to obtain the highest bidding possible. He is easy to hear and understand.

We will definitely use Tim again to serve as an auctioneer for an event of this magnitude.

Anne Marie - Event Producer, Rita Hayworth Galas.

Bill Lamie, CEO, Express Logic

"Thank you Tim for another great presentation in our booth!"


- 12 year client, Silicon Valley

Kathi Jones, Mktg. Mgr. MULTIVAC

Tim Bucheit has served as a product presenter in our booth at multiple, national trade shows, over several years. 

Tim's positive attitude, pleasant personality and professionalism guarantees him a position in Multivac booths year after year.

-Multi-year client

Tauck Cruises, Event Producer

Tim was FANTASTIC! I will look forward to being on show site next date and so will enjoy his next performance!

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